Invitation EUCS- and CSA-stakeholdermeetings

Please be invited to our stakeholdermeetings for in depth information on the EUCS scheme, the recent developments regarding the EUCC scheme, and more.

The stakeholdermeetings are organised by the Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure, in their role as the Dutch NCCA.

EUCS in depth stakeholdermeeting - 25 June 2024 from 14:00 to 15:30 pm (CET)

Since the process of finalizing the EUCS (EU Cloud Services) cybersecurity certification scheme and the publication in an Implementing Act has been speeded up considerably by the European Committee, we're organising an in depth EUCS stakeholdermeeting specifically for Conformity Assessment Bodies that are interested in entering this EU Cybersecurity Certification market.

In this EUCS in depth stakeholdermeeting we will: 

  • look in to the last developments of the scheme more closely;
  • give an update on the process of finalizing the scheme; 
  • give an explaination on the current status of accreditation requirements for Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB’s); and 
  • give an explaination about the published Technical Specification by CEN/CENELEC.

General CSA-stakeholdermeeting - 27 June 2024 from 14:00 to 16:00 (CET)

We're also organising a general CSA-stakeholdermeeting, in which we will present the most recent developments regarding the EUCC scheme and give an update on the other schemes that are under development.

The CSA-stakeholdermeeting will cover the following topics:

  • General overview: News, planning and status updates.
  • EUCC
  • EUCS
  • EU5G


To register, please send an e-mail to with your name, organisation and a statement of your interest in one or both of the stakeholdermeetings. After this, we will send you a confirmation e-mail with a link to join the session(s). You can also invite your colleagues or other interested parties to join by forwarding the invitation to them.

Kind regards,

NCCA the Netherlands