Documenten - Cloud Services (EUCS)

9 documents of Cloud Services (EUCS)

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  1. CSA-stakeholdermeeting June 2024 - EUCS update

    Presentation given during the Dutch NCCA CSA-stakeholdermeeting on June 27th, 2024 with recent developments regarding the EUCS ...

    Publication | 19-07-2024

  2. NT001 - Licensing form v3.0

    Download and save the xml file, populate it with the relevant information for your licensing request, and submit it along with ...

    Scheme document | 13-06-2024

  3. NT001 - Licensing form v2.0

    This is an outdated document. The current version of this scheme document can be found here. Download and save the xml file, ...

    Scheme document | 29-05-2024

  4. NI001 - Information exchange v2.0

    Instruction describing how to communicate with the Dutch NCCA using email and ‘mijn RDI’, the encryption of this communication ...

    Scheme document | 29-05-2024

  5. NI001 - Information exchange v1.0

    This is an outdated document. The current version of this scheme document can be found here. Instruction describing how to ...

    Scheme document | 25-03-2024

  6. NP001 - Licensing process v1.0

    Process describing how to get licensed to perform evaluation/certification activities under the Dutch NCCA.

    Scheme document | 06-02-2024

  7. CSA-stakeholdermeeting December 2023 - Licensing

    Presentation given during the Dutch NCCA CSA-stakeholdermeeting on December 13th, 2023 introducing the Dutch NCCA licensing ...

    Publication | 22-12-2023

  8. CSA-stakeholdermeeting December 2023 - EUCS scheme

    Presentation given during the Dutch NCCA CSA-stakeholdermeeting on December 13th, 2023 with recent developments regarding the ...

    Publication | 22-12-2023

  9. CSA-stakeholdermeeting June 2023 - EUCS scheme

    Presentation given during the Dutch NCCA CSA-stakeholdermeeting on June 29th, 2023 with recent developments regarding the EUCS ...

    Publication | 18-08-2023